Thank you for visiting us at MidMarket Capital, Inc., If you need to reach us immediately, call us at (269) 231-5772, davekauppi at, or click on our calendar link to schedule an introductory call.

The market for technology mergers and acquisitions is heating up and the valuation multiples are at historic highs. This is because there is a huge amount of capital looking for a home. Also the Private Equity Groups are seeking growth and realize that technology based companies are the best path to growth. They are now willing to pay generous prices to acquire this growth.

MidMarket Capital focuses exclusively on representing technology companies. We say our ideal client is one that would not be interested in selling their company for a multiple of EBITDA. Our clients want strategic value. For the last 22 years we have helped technology based business owners sell for strategic value.

I would bet that you have been contacted several times by strategic buyers and/or Private Equity Groups looking to buy. If you have received an unsolicited offer and need some help navigating the opportunity, we have an hourly consulting service that can help you analyze the Letter of Intent and help negotiate favorable terms.

If you are considering the sale of your business, we have helped dozens of companies similar to yours sell successfully over the years.

If you would like to have a phone conversation about your situation and our services, please click on my calendar link to schedule an introductory phone call.

Thanks again for your consideration.

All the best,


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